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Waste Management and Consulting

We help businesses and events navigate the complexities of waste management with systematic design and innovative approaches. We're committed to driving cost savings and promoting triple bottom sustainability. 

Zero Waste Station at Event

Here are the steps to achieve triple bottom sustainability within your business or event.

Waste Audits

Waste audits are a beneficial start to your waste management plan.


Diversion Designers will perform a custom audit for your business or municipality to understand where your largest types and amount of waste lie. 


This information can then be used to make impactful changes to decrease waste and save money.


Waste Consulting

After a waste audit is performed starting the consulting process with Diversion Designers is a great next step.


A custom plan will be created  and tailored to your business based on your waste audit. From there Diversion Designers will guide you to the practical steps needed to make a lasting change.


Project Management

Want to make a change in your waste management but don't have the time to execute in house? Diversion Designers has a solution!


With complete project management Diversion Designers can ensure your waste management plan is thoroughly executed and maintained.

New Client and Event Intake Form

Interested in making your event zero waste? Inquire here.
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